Back in February the Stanley Cup made a trip to Camp Ranall for the Camp Randall Hockey Classic. Adam Burish was there, but he wouldn't touch it...not yet.
Just a few short months later Burish was holding the cup above his head in Philadelphia. A well known superstition about the Stanley Cup is if you touch it without earning it...you'll never win it.
Now Burish gets to touch Lord Stanley as much as he wants. You also get to have one day with Stanley...anywhere. For Adam Burish that day was obviously bringing Stanley back to Madison. An opportunity to share it with loved ones, and fellow Badgers. Including the football team?
That's where Burish took it Tuesday afternoon. He brought Stanley back to Camp Randall and gave a pep talk to the football team. Not a bad teaching aid if I would say so myself.
Later Tuesday night Burish took Stanley out for a crawl that many Madisonians have made before. That walk up and down state street. Including a visit to State Street Brats where I'm pretty sure a few "adult beverages" were drank right out of Stanley.
On twitter now former Badger Blake Geoffrion posted a picture of Lord Stanley hanging out at State Street Brats. And you know after a few drinks Burish kept saying to Geoffrion, "come on touch it." For Geoffrion's sake I hope he stuck to his own pint glass.

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